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Mass Communication
Multiple Choices:
Q1. __________ Communication deals with public outside the
a. External Communication
b. Internal Communication
c. Diagonal Communication
d. Vertical Communication
Q2. It concerns the lifestyles and activities of people such
as movie attendance, hobbies, and types of physical exercise
a. Geographic‟s
b. Demographics
c. Psychographics
d. None
Q3. Technique of sending magazines free to individuals
within an industry to increase identification with an organization
a. Association Magazines
b. Controlled Circulation
c. Conglomerate
d. Association Management
Q4. The Connection made when a magazine runs a story about a
product advertised in the magazine.
a. Package deals
b. Tie-ins
c. Publishers
d. Editorial
Q5. Writing illustrating and designing publications with a
personal computer is known as
a. Desktop Publishing
b. Distributor
c. Wholesalers
d. Retailers
Q6. A boxlike mechanism used to view short films during the
late 1800s
a. Nickeleon
b. Broadcast TV
c. Kinetoscope
d. Computer
Q7. The technique of joining pieces of film or of digitally
manipulating images in a creative process.
a. Editing
b. Oligopoly
c. Processing
d. Writing
Q8. Marketing strategy common in the 1930s and 1940s that
required theaters to book movie before they were produced.
a. A& B pictures
b. Block booking
c. Blind booking
d. Vertical Integration
Q9. Department that controls movement of programming through
the day, logs what goes on the air, & supplies information for billing
a. Modulators
b. Traffic
c. Demodulator
d. Decoding
Q10. A favorite television format of the 1950s that
consisted of stage plays produced for TV is
a. Blacklist
b. Fellow Travelers
c. Quiz show
d. Anthology
Part Two:
Q1. Differentiate between Broadcast Station and Cable
Q2. Write a short note on Mass Communication?
Q3. Define the Interaction of supply and demand?
Q4. Explain the development of Mass advertising?
Q5. Schorr maintains that he has
a journalistic obligation, which is to say responsibility, to disclose
circumstances that could “color” his views on a politician. What does he mean
by this? Is he right to say that that he has a moral responsibility as a
Journalist to reveal such facts to his readers?Why or why not?
Q6. From what might Schorr‟s sense of journalistic obligation derive?
What is its source?
Q7. Are there any circumstances
under which it is morally justified to impose censorship? What, according to
Fisk, are the likely effects of censuring the new Iraqi press?
Q8. When a society is relatively
stable and well-established, there are always remedied for libel and
inaccuracies in reportage. A society in crisis, like Iraq during the American
occupation after the Second Gulf War, does not have such mechanisms in place.
Do these facts provide the basis for a reasonable defense of the decision to
censure the press?
Q9. What is the threat of
Regulation? Explain the types of media regulation?
Q10. Define the approach to mass
communication research? Also discuss the types of research methods and the role
of theory in research?
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