Tuesday, 29 November 2016

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - What makes technical communication different from general communication

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Define organizational behavior, and organizational structure?

2. What is the difference between a manager and a leader? Do leaders need different skills to be effective?

3. What is the difference between a group & a team? What are the different types of work teams?

4. How would you define conflict? Distinguish between functional & dysfunctional conflicts by giving suitable examples?

5. Explain the different types of employee involvement and employee recognition programs with the help of suitable examples.

6. Select the most appropriate answer of the following: (20, each 2 marks)

1) The groups to which an individual aspires to belong, i.e. the one with which he or she identifies is called
a) coalitions b) committees c) reference groups d) task groups

2) One small drawback of the five-stage model is that it
a) ignores the organizational context b) ignores the situational factors c) ignores the individual attributes d) ignores the formal structure

3) Individual employees can be converted into team players through
a) appropriate feedback  b) training  c) monitoring  d) demonstration

4) One who tries to bring discipline and order through formal structures, plans and
processes and tries to monitor performance against plans is a
a) leader  b) manager  c) coordinator  d) team-player

5) If the followers are able and unwilling, then the leader will have to use the
a) authoritarian style  b) participative style  c) situational style  d) strategic style

6) According to situational leadership approach, the style that denotes a high-task and a
low-relationship style is
a) selling style  b) delegating style  c) participating style  d) telling style

7) Decision-making heavily depends on the individual
a) understanding  b) creativity  c) perception  d) ability

8) In formal groups and organizations, an individual has maximum access to
a) referent power  b) reward power  c) legitimate power  d) coercive power

9) In an attempt to preserve their perceptions, people tend to
a) resist change violently  b) ignore the change process  c) create bottlenecks for change agents
d) process information selectively

10) The process, which is aimed at seeking change in attitudes, stereotypes and perceptions, that groups hold of each other is called
a)     Organizational development b) Inter-group development c) T-groups d) Team-building


c)      1 List the various reasons in Organization xyz , which lead to its development?

d)     2 If the organization had not invested in its employee, would they have developed?

e)     3 Site few examples of Indian companies, similar to XYZ mentioned above?

f)       4 What would have been the drawback of the XYZ Company prior to 1991?

g)     1 Is it fine to privatize profits and nationalize losses, is it right for organizational development ?

h)    2 Was this a result of failure of leadership of these firms?

i)       1 Do the core values, really influence and have a impact on organizational development ?Explain.

j)       2 Is organizational development depended internally on employees and externally influenced by customers? Discuss

k)     1) Measurement has the power to focus attention on desired behavior and results," How it leads to organizational development?

l)       2) Discuss benchmarking techniques, are really helpful for succeeding in I today’s scenario?


1) What are the arguments for and against layoffs in hard times?

2) How have the three executives in this case shown leadership?

3) Explain the difference between management and leadership. Discuss why conceptual
leadership skills become more important, and technical skills less important, at higher level organizational levels.

1) Is the GM’s approach wrong? If yes, then why if no then why not? Give reasons for your answer.

2) What would you recommend to the G.M.

3) Team leaders and team members need skills to develop effective teams. Is this statement correct or wrong. If there are any skills needed by the team leaders and team members to develop effective teams then discuss them.

1) How did the GM distinguish between the two target groups to make his communication effective?

2) What is the main advantage of direct face-to-face communication, as against communication through circulars or memos?

3) What makes technical communication different from general communication ?

4) How important is it to be able to communicate?

1) Read the above conversation carefully if you were Vikas, how would you answer all the questions asked by the interviewer. Rewrite the answers, making them more appropriate by changing the language, style, tone, and attitude of the answer.”

2) Describe the significance of job interviews today.


1) What are the arguments for and against layoffs in hard times?

2) How have the three executives in this case shown leadership?

3) Explain the difference between management and leadership. Discuss why conceptual leadership skills become more important, and technical skills less important, at higher level organizational levels.

1) Is the GM’s approach wrong? If yes, then why if no then why not? Give reasons for your answer.

2) What would you recommend to the G.M.

3) Team leaders and team members need skills to develop effective teams. Is this statement
correct or wrong. If there are any skills needed by the team leaders and team members to develop effective teams then discuss them.

1) How did the GM distinguish between the two target groups to make his communication effective?

2) What is the main advantage of direct face-to-face communication, as against communication through circulars or memos?

3) What makes technical communication different from general communication ?

4) How important is it to be able to communicate?

1) Read the above conversation carefully if you were Vikas, how would you answer all the questions asked by the interviewer. Rewrite the answers, making them more appropriate by changing the language, style, tone, and attitude of the answer.”

2) Describe the significance of job interviews today.

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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