Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Logistics Management - Information technology to substitute maintenance of high inventory without affecting customer service level

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ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

Logistics Management

If you are appointed as the logistics consultant, then advise M/s BPL in respect of ‘

(a)  How to achieve economy in transportation, by maintaining almost same service level?

(b)  Demand Forecasting technique to take care of seasonality, reduction in inventory.

(c)   Information technology to substitute maintenance of high inventory without affecting customer service level.

(d)  Connectivity between factory and depots (networking Diagram)

In case you are appointed as logistic consultant to solve the problems, you are required to put forward your suggestions for

(a)  Proper transportation policy to ensure minimum transportation loss of vegetables and poultry products and reduction in the packaging costs.

(b)  Demand Forecasting techniques to take care of the seasonality, reduction in inventory and shortage and other related problems.

(c)   Suggestion for improved Purchase and Distribution policy.

(d)  Is it advisable to have company owned dedicated transport fleet?

(e) Evaluate the alternative solution that could be considered by Mr. Mohan.

(f)  What additional solution do you propose?

(g) Examine the transportation system and its drawbacks?

(i)  Examine the possibility of alternatives in transportation of the inbound and outbound materials?

(ii)                       How to reduce the cost of inbound and outbound logistics functions?

(iii)                    What could be the major problem in exploiting the inbound and outbound logistic functions?

(iv)                      Is it advisable to have dedicated transport system to operate packaged materials mainly for the company?

(v) What arrangements have to be made to ensure the service quality for customers?

1.      What are the company’s present logistical problems?

2.     Give your recommendations for improving the company’s logistical performance?

1.       Identify the main logistical problems of the Company

2.      To offer better customer service level and reduce the operating cost, how will you go about redesigning the distribution network?

  1. What is the main problem in this case? What are your suggestions to the company on inventory management?

  1. What type of logistical cost approach you would suggest to the company?

1.       What are the main problems in the logistical network of M/s. Compu-Tech?

2.      What solutions would you propose o overcome these problems?



ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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