Tuesday, 10 May 2016

IT MANAGEMENT - In what ways were the services offered by Google different from those offered by other search engines

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ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. In what ways were the services offered by Google different from those offered by other search engines? Discuss with specific reference to technology, corporate client servicing and customer friendliness.

2. Most dotcom companies relied heavily on online advertisements as the primary source of revenue, and many also spent a lot of money on advertising their brands. However, Google did not do so — and was still rated as the world’s most preferred search engine. Critically discuss Google’s business model in the light of the above. Was Google’s decision not to use conventional advertising a wise one or not?

3. “Over the last three years, Google has stolen 40% of the search market directly at the expense of AOL, MSN, and Yahoo.” Do you think Google’s leadership position is going to become a threat to the company’s future growth and survival? What measures should the company take in order to sustain its position as the leading Internet search services provider in the future?

Q.1) “The factory delivery option gives Mercedes-Benz customers something that they do not get from other automobile manufacturers”. Briefly discuss the salient features of the Factory Delivery Reservation System of MBUSI.

Q.2) “One of the most fundamental goals in developing the FDRS was to strengthen and market the Mercedes-Benz brand in the United States”. Discuss other benefits of the FDRS program.



ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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