Tuesday, 10 May 2016

E BUSINESS SYSTEM - In your opinion which of Dell’s strategies makes the most impact on the environment Explain your answer

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. What do you understand by the E-Business strategy implementation across an
    organization’s value chain?

2. What are the rationale and benefits associated with e-commerce initiatives in an
    automobile company?

3. What are the Channel conflict arising from e-business initiative?

1. Taking out the facts of the case , Bring out the importance of a customer-focused e-
    business strategy in the hospitality industry.

2. Establish the role of IT in integrating different business processes to make them more
   customer oriented based on your understanding of the case.

1. Bring out the facts of the case.

2. Identify the various E-business initiatives.

3. What are the strategies an organization to focus in order to excel in the E-business.

4. Apart from the facts provided in the case, what other initiatives you can project
    keeping in mind the success of an organization towards E-business.

(1) Why does Dell treat its stakeholders in a socially and ethically responsible manner?

(2) In your opinion, which of Dell’s strategies makes the most impact on the environment? Explain your answer.

(3) Explain the importance of the “Energy Star” programme for consumers and businesses.

ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

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