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ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224
Q1) Imagine that you are
in-charge of a major chemical plant, manufacturing points. At present, the
general awareness about the mandatory requirements for chemical industry is
very low. Even if the compliance record is maintained, it is not disclosed to
all employees. (25 marks)
i) What are the activities that
are critical to the company’s environmental management certification?
ii) List the activities which
have potential environmental impacts in a pint industry.
iii) List the legal
iv) Is there a trade related
issue involved in this case
v) Explain, how your company
can prepare itself towards certification.
CASE 2 :
Q2) XYZ company is an equal
opportunity employer. XYZ Co has always upheld the spirits of freedom, human
welfare, fair practices and fair treatment to all employees. It has the image
of a socially responsible company in India. XYZ Co., has never involved itself
in any study deals, even if it could bring good profits. (15 Marks)
Please answer the following
questions :
i) Should XYZ Co take up the
ii) How can XYZ Co maintain
business viability and growth without compromising on basic rights and values
enshrined? In the mission statement of the company?
iii) What alterations may be
sought in the agreement and why?
Q3) On the night of December
23, 1983 a dangerous chemical reation occurred in the UnionCarbide factory in
Bhopal, when a large amount of water got into the MIC i.e. Methyl
Isocyanatestorage tank. When the leak was detected by workers at 11.30 pm,
their eyes began to tear and burn. The rest is history. About 40 tons of MIC
poured out of the tank for nearly 2 hours and escaped into air, spreading
within 8 km down wind, About 4000 people were killed in sleep or as they fled
in terror, hundreds of thousands were injured or effected the victims who were
almost entirely the poorest members of the population. The poisonous gas,
caused death and left the survivors with
Questions :
i) From Bhopal Tragedy, what an
industrial manager learns? What safety procedures are to be followed. Study the
case deeply and state what were the defects of MIL unit. In view of this case,
prepare a disaster management
plan, which could cover be useful to a chemical company. (10 Marks)
Q 4)i) List the methods of waste
management in the order of preference. (5 Marks)
ii) What are the advantages of
solid waste incernaton? (5 Marks)
iii) Define hazardous waste (5
iv) List the legal provisions
in the Environment Protection Act pertaining to hazardous waste
(5 Marks)
Q 5i) Discuss the role of CPCB
(Central Pollution Control Board) in the pollution control activities in India.
(2 Marks)
ii) Mention the salient points
of the 3 Acts : (2 Marks)
Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981
Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974
Environment (Protection) Act 1986
iii) Explain the very elements
of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) – different types of Impact Assessments
– the benefits of EIA – The EIA process, key points to remember while conducting
an effective EIA. (2 Marks)
iv) Compare and contrast
“polluter pays principle” with “beneficiary pays principle”. (2 Marks)
v) What are the tenets of Risk
management – explain the steps involved through a chart. (2Marks)
ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224
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