Tuesday, 24 May 2016

BUSINESS STRATEGY - Write down the steps of activating Strategies with special reference to Hindustan Unilever Ltd

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ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Describe four processes SECI through which knowledge is converted from one
form to another.

2. Write down the steps of activating Strategies with special reference to
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

3. What is the VRIO frame work?

4. What is focus of control in headquarter level control strategy?

5. Give any two examples of Conglomerate Diversification.

6. Discuss how a development in a corporations societal environment can affect the corporations through its task environment.

7. Explain different types of industrial diversification

8. List advantages & disadvantages of different modes entry.

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT - Write a note on socio-cultural environment of Business Write a note on socio cultural environment of Business

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Give a block diagram in establishing the design and quality standards of
technology recipient site?

2. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?

3. Give the constitution of SEBI Board and explain SEBI functions?

4. Write a note on socio-cultural environment of Business Write a note on sociocultural
environment of Business?

5. Discuss how the environment acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze why
business often does little for the preservation of physical environment despite
the fact that it is significant for business activity?

6. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. What is your opinion on the
role of FDI in the Retail Sector? Justify your views with India's experience in
this sector?

7. Discuss the Third plan (1961-66)?

8. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact

ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

BUSINESS STRATEGY - What is the VRIO frame work

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Describe four processes SECI through which knowledge is converted from one
form to another.

2. Write down the steps of activating Strategies with special reference to
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

3. What is the VRIO frame work?

4. What is focus of control in headquarter level control strategy?

5. Give any two examples of Conglomerate Diversification.

6. Discuss how a development in a corporations societal environment can affect the corporations through its task environment.

7. Explain different types of industrial diversification

8. List advantages & disadvantages of different modes entry.

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

BUSINESS STRATEGY - What is focus of control in headquarter level control strategy

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Describe four processes SECI through which knowledge is converted from one
form to another.

2. Write down the steps of activating Strategies with special reference to
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

3. What is the VRIO frame work?

4. What is focus of control in headquarter level control strategy?

5. Give any two examples of Conglomerate Diversification.

6. Discuss how a development in a corporations societal environment can affect the corporations through its task environment.

7. Explain different types of industrial diversification

8. List advantages & disadvantages of different modes entry.

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

BUSINESS STRATEGY - List advantages & disadvantages of different modes entry

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Describe four processes SECI through which knowledge is converted from one
form to another.

2. Write down the steps of activating Strategies with special reference to
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

3. What is the VRIO frame work?

4. What is focus of control in headquarter level control strategy?

5. Give any two examples of Conglomerate Diversification.

6. Discuss how a development in a corporations societal environment can affect the corporations through its task environment.

7. Explain different types of industrial diversification

8. List advantages & disadvantages of different modes entry.

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT - Give the constitution of SEBI Board and explain SEBI functions

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Give a block diagram in establishing the design and quality standards of
technology recipient site?

2. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?

3. Give the constitution of SEBI Board and explain SEBI functions?

4. Write a note on socio-cultural environment of Business Write a note on sociocultural
environment of Business?

5. Discuss how the environment acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze why
business often does little for the preservation of physical environment despite
the fact that it is significant for business activity?

6. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. What is your opinion on the
role of FDI in the Retail Sector? Justify your views with India's experience in
this sector?

7. Discuss the Third plan (1961-66)?

8. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact

ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224

MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM - Give impact of Internet on Management Control

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Consider a Retail Outlet. What should be the objectives of Management
Control system for the retail outlet? Examples would strengthen your views.

2. Explain the Just-in-time and total quality management techniques of control.
Also, elaborate the implication of these techniques for management control.

3. Describe the need for MIS in a business organization focusing on Management
Control System. Also explain the important considerations in designing
Management Information System (M l S) for the purpose of Management

4. Explain how by designing an appropriate Management Control System , the
different types of risks faced by the banks can be tackled.

5. Describe and illustrate significance of human behavior patterns in management

6. Define Transfer pricing. Describe the various transfer pricing methods in detail

7. Differences and similarities between Management Control and Task Control

8. Give impact of Internet on Management Control.

Need Answer Sheet of this Question paper, contact
ARAVIND – 09901366442 – 09902787224